The images will follow soon.
noincoming 5611 a t goodexample info --
Please include a telephone number which displays something other than unavailable, private, Massachusetts..., cellular.....
Riding on the Rocket, tty Little..., 712, self-titled, Let's Knife Give away 90's The Lost Weekend -- Blast First So Sad About Us _________________________________________________________________________________Fontana 12-CD singles and vinyl "box" -- Reissue of course! - $501
Vinyl box too, has some wear on the box ....................................................Nirvana -- "the [last] big thing!" - $501
1992... The Boston Phoenix Hit Parader Rip (3 issues) Metal Edge Q Guitar School 'Rs three VOX Newsw... Peop.. AP two issues Guitar Player Option Select two issues Kerrang three issues Spin five issues ............................................ragazines Zep'ling - $701
First a sidenote regarding this.... For serious works see Steve Jones (UK) book, Mark Archer from Wearing and Tearing, and... First culled..Fiday, July 11, 1997 The key below is hopefully useful, in some cases ...not 100% sure if a photo was a promo shot or live Key: (JP) == Jimmy Page Cover, Action, Promotional, or slght chance of a possibly live proto shot! [JP] == Jimmy Page Cover, Apparently Live shot! {RP} == Robert Plant non-band or non-promo photo, i.e., simply photo of the man! - == LZ article in my wording. c-JP == Small Cover Photo + == Actual wording as it appears on the cover. w/ == Ponter to something in issue that is not noted on cover. ------------------------------------------------------ Circus 1973 #35 +LZ Won't Stop Touring 1974 May +JP, Inside the Musician and the Man 1976 May 13 [RP] +Presence on Record but Not on Stage - Recoverey from RP 's Accident 1977 June 9 [JP] +LZ Special Mid-Tour Report; JP On Zep's Resurgence - It Woruld be a Criminal Act toBreak Up This Band 1979 September 18 {RP} +LZ After personal Tradegy & Two Years of Silence are Plant, Page, Bonham, and Jones Still Rocks's Prime Quartetee? 1985 June 30 +The Firm Paul Rodgers and JP Burn Their Bridges in a New Super-Band 1985 July 31 +The Firm 1985 October 31 -Rp Zeppelin's Immigrant Songster Hits the Road & Belts the Blues Again 1987 March 31 +LZ and more.... 1987 July 31 w/ JP Lucifer Rising review from Boleskine Records 1988 Decmber 31 w/ JP Guitar Give-away Contest Outrider promo photo 1993 October 31 24th Anniversary Issue c-JP Creem 1976 July -LZ 1978 February [JP] / Interview, -LZ 1979 November (JP) / Interview, -LZ 1977 January -LZ 1979 December c-JP, -LZ 1976 October -JP 1975 May -LZ 1976 May [JP RP], Rp Interview 1977 April (JP), +pre-tour tour talk w/JP 1988 October (JP) Creem's Masters of Metal 1988 March +LZ Good Times, Bad Times mostly chronological... Creem Guitar Heroes 1986 Page Beck Clapton Hendrix Musician 1990 November (JP) +Living in LZ, Box set give-aways 1992 July (JP & RP) +LZ Uncensored 1990 June (RP0 +The Thief of Kashmir 1987 February Special 100th Issue +A Decade of Interviews 1989 January c-RP 1985 May (J. Beck) +JP Talks Shop 1994 December (JP & RP) +Un-Zeppelin, P&P Justify Their Reunion 1988 March (RP) +Zen and the Art of LZ, +A historic, hilarious, no-holds-barred interview w/ RP 1988 December -Glyn Johns, producer... 1988 July (JP) +Has JP Still Got It? 1991 April +The Super Managers Talk : (Peter Grant...) 1986 September w/Ron Wood articles, not directly related to JP but mentions Steve Marriot, Ronnie Lane 1986 November w/ Clapton article unrelated in a sense.... 1992 May w/ Page and Plant mentioned on article related to tribute/cover bands...also contains unrelated artists talking about drugs, booze, etc. creativity Hit Parader 1988 September -JP & RP 1978 September +JP, Zep Up Again 1991 May - LZ 1980 January [RP] 1983 October {RP} +RP On the Road Again 1986 August [RP] +LZ Born Again? Rolling Stone 1985 December 19 Double Issue w/ JP phote/Live Aid, Hammer ad. 1990 December 13-27 Double Issue c-[JP & RP] 1991 November 14 +The 100 Greatest Album Covers 1990 June 14 w/ Jason's wedding jam photo 1985 August 15 c-{RP} 1990 April 19 +A Celebration of Four Decades of Rock w/(RP) and Manic Nirvana articles... 1988 March 24 (RP) +RP The RS Interview +LZ Tribute to a Rock Legend 1990 September 20 [JP & RP] +JP & RP On LZ 1992 November 12 w/ photo of JP possibly at one of his homes... 1995 February 23 (JP & RP) +Hall of Fame Special 1994 December 1 +JP & RP Unledded 1990 October 4 w/ photo JP during jam w/ Aerosmith at the Marquee. 1992 October 15 Reprint of Interviews 1979 October 4 +LZ Live at Knebworth 1975 May 22 + Running w/ Zeppelin 1976 August 12 +JP Beats the Devil Guitar World 1991 January [JP] + The Ultimate LZ Interview, JPJtransciptions 1991 November c-[JP] reprint of 1977 interview, excerpt from Charles R. Cross "Heaven and Hell" 1993 April w/ article on upcoming Coverdale/Page album 1990 July c-(JP), reprint of 1986 August interview 1988 October (JP) + The Resurrection of JP, Transcriptions 1992 May +Clapton, Beck & Page, The Yardbird Legacy Lives 1991 March w/ comment by Nuno Bettencourt on JP 1995 February +Page & Plant Super Lesson, JP Tunnings, Unledded... 1993 May (JP & Coverdale) Coverdale/Page +The Inside Story! GQ Presents Guitar Legends Fall 1993 [JP], also Individual shots of Clapton and Beck +The Classic Interviews, Page's Legendary Axes, Yardbirds remembered Guitar for the Practicing Musician 1995 January Jimmy Page w/on his Death Wish and Lucifer Rising no mention of... 1988 December +LZ Poster Feature 1991 June [JP] + JP Transcription to Bron Yr Aur 1994 March {JP and Eddie Van Halen} w/photo of "Rock Walk" plus various musicians comment on recording of specific songs... 1985 March [JP] w/excerpt from "In Their Own Words" 1992 June Clapton, Beck and Page on Cover +The Yardbirds Shapes of Things 1988 August +JP Transcription to Over the Hills and Far Away w/ Zep Influences, Now and Zen review 1992 Jimi and Stevia Ray special....Eddie Kramer some comments about JP/LZ 1987 December (JP) WLL Transciption article/interview?on LEZ II 1988 Summer Collector Yearbook Black Mountain Side transcip JP The early history it says but is brief.... 1988 February Richie Sambora mentions Page Guitar Player 1992 June +B.B. King Talking about Lucille ----no related info 1992 August +Muddy Watters and Son House with artcile entitled Deep Blues with excert from book Early Blues: The Music Before Robert Johnson also unrelated article on Curve, Toni Halliday, former backup singer w/ Plant 1993 August c-JP +A Lick-Copping Lesson also article on Helmet advert for Coverdale/Page w/promo photo of Page article covers roots... influences also pages Eastern Front article 1989 January Les Paul a celebration of Genius best of 1993 All Clapton mentioon of Page production of John Mayall's Blues Breakers singles...The collection Clapton also article on Blues Anthology Blues Anytime 1992 January 25th Anniversary Page talks about guitar being a means to an end for him, end being composing,....I have never heard him say this before.. Legends of Guitar I Winter 1984 [JP] and [ Keith Richards]. Goldmine 1990 August 24 [lZ] 1993 16 April +Sony Boy Williamson Howlin' Wolf, etc. Chess Blues 1992 20 March +A tribute to Willie Dixon 1990 Febryary 23 {Willie Dixon} + Willie and Mayall 1993 April 6 [RP} +Tall Cool One Issue#-Page# Issue 303-18 The Strangelove Cara Lin Bert Berns 345-42 Ginger Baker historical relevance.. 344-14 Gene Pitney Bert Berns The Girl Belongs to Yesterday Page or big Jim? 310-15 cool rarely seen photo of Page, Chuck Boyd photo 342-28 Mayall historical signifance Mike Vernon Decca Alexis Korner 384-56 Brian Auger Georgie Fame etc Sony Boy Williamson 312-6 finally some words in print about Tony Topham 333-18 Moby Grape 311-9 Aerosmith article/cover but ref to LZ 330-9 JP/Coverdale upcoming album noted 330-10 Kinks You Really Got Me etc historical ... 308-8 Rod Stewart mention JPJ Yardbirds Decca 321-10 Donovan article mentions JPJ 296 -8 Bill Graham 296-56 "Led Clones" Ozzy Thin Lizzy article 297 hail hail chuck no specifc mention but...hey.. People 1987 June 22Summer of Love iSsue W/ Pamela Des Barres book I'm with the Band: Rip 1991 April +Zep Lives w/ Page i nterviewsome early history tak about 54 remastered track 1993 June (JP and Coverdale) +Born of Zep and Snake /Win a JP singed Guitar Contest Bass Player 1994 November {JPJ} talk of his collabortion with Diamanda Galas Spin 1995 January +Robert Plant and JP article on No Quarter Relix (all 4 members) /retrospective phto of JB by Dennis Callahan not widely seen, I think! 1991 vol 18 no. 1 w/ ten Years Gone artcile International Musician 1985 April [JP] Guitar Greats feature breif snippets 1982 Vol 10 no.2 In Music 1991 January-December 15 1990 +LZ Box Set Review Metal Muscle 1988 July various small live shots special edition Superstar Facts and Pic no. 25 1991 various photos on cover The Complete history of LZ +JP back in Studio Teen Stars Photo Album 1993 August +PAge & Coverdale +Compelte LZ History Masters of Rock Spring 1991 Good Ties, Bad Times [jp & RP] various interview includes jason +heatbreaker by PAmela DesBarres Fall 1992 +Richard Cole on LZ Hendrix special Spring 1992 +Yardbirds intervi w/ Mayall clapton special Song Hits 1989 April-JP The Super 60's c-LZ Sound Attitude 1993 April w/ Coverdale/Page on Road Geffen Outider Press... ICE 1993 March +Yardbirds Upgraded in U.K. 1993 May +Robert Plant Due EQ The Recording & Sound Magazine 1992 November Eddie Kramer and Hendrix, mention of LZ Modern Drummer 1990 May +Jason Bonham Tough Tracks issue 3 w/ Cinderalla mentions JPJ Rock Magazine 1985 October +A Last Look at Live Aid Record 1985 June -The Firm The Best of Metal Edge 1991 April a negative comment about LZ live jams...JP of Aerosmith Rock Scene 1986 October The Firm Mean Business review Tower Record Top 1993 December w/ Lawence Ferlinghetti also mentions Julie Felix... Accustic Guitar 1992 March/April Martin Carthy cover +Djanjo Reinhardt, relevance is bliss .......................------------------------------------------
Live Dreams -- Led Zeppelin and Robert Plant -- Through the Mirror... - $201
There is some slight 'outer wear..only sold together....
Nirvana 1992 Aust, Blew -- Tupelo, Hormoa... - $201
prestained colonial yellow cedar shigles - $801
image 1 of 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 condition: new make / manufacturer: Cedar Shingles Direct Thank you..J 43 (forty-three) boxes, unopened, each covers approx. 25 sq. feet, cedar, prestained, colonial yellow, red cedar, siding shingles These are stored inside. f images ===================================================================================Led Zeppelin / indivual interest'zines and books - $801
1979 WEA calendar... Led Zeppelin related books: Heaven and...Charles R. Cross Jimmy ...Rittor Japan transcription... Breaking and Making..Ross Clarke Good Times..Eddie McSquare Bob Gruen's Works The Legend...Robus...Philip Kamin In the Light Mylett... ...Ruhlmann On Tour...NME... Tangents... The Final Acclaim..Chris Welch In their Own ...Kendall and A Visual.., Ritchie Yorke Led Zeppelin zines and indivual... As [not] seen by the included image, the count is about twenty each of Z.., Proximity, and Electric Magic, four or five of tbl, and one Australia 'gotta Zep Zoso #2/10-13, 3/9, 3/11, 4/1, 4/2, 4/4 , 4/7, 4/12, 5/2-12, 6/ Whole Lotta Zep on Tour in Australia 1972 Proximity, 10-25 and North American Return of Page & Plant, also 1-9 originals Tight But Loose, #4, 5, 6, and 8, 9 Also, Sequel to a Celebration Electric Magic, Vol I numbers 1-12, --6, 8, 9 are photo copies....and Vol II #1-12 Vol III #1-9 ..........
-Smashing Pumpkins..SP90 pink Cherub...Today Babes in Toyland..Dust Cake Sterolab simple machines. Screw, Pulley, wheel Velocity Girl Shonen Knife.. Tsunami..Diner, Seasons.,Geniuses, flameproof suit Poster Children..thinner, stronger Scream mardi gras Dave Grohl ...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nirvana, the band not the - $1901
45 (forty-five) -- 45s and two 7-inch "boxes" . - $301
Teenage Fan..., Lush, Swirlies, Nirvana, Seaweed, Hole, Babes in..., The Dambuilders, Cosmic Psy...The Poster Ch....Self Mutil....Velocity Girl. Sugar...,The Concussion Ensem..(Rich "whole lotta" Gilbert..)., my bloody..., Slowdive... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Led Zeppelin -- "The Missing Sides" - $201
10-tape, no. 111 of a million, recalling, maybe a SubPop compilation, limited to 100,000! ...