Advocating [GNU]Linux

JUst briefly, for now, July 2009: actually, rightly make mention of GNU/Linux, as does (within page rewferences to Debian GNU/Linux - though I question why a "talk" page intentionally leaves out "GNU." Some pages not reference GNU but in general....and it...


Applying Copyleft To Non-Software Information by Michael Stutz


TLD (Top-Level Domain) names are 'com', 'org', 'net', 'int', 'gov', 'mil', and the two-letter ISO country codes.

The above TLD's are international, and can be used in any country, except 'mil' and 'gov' are limited to usage within the US.

International top-level domain names (add current proposals...), international search engines, letter to D. Rovics about including hyperlinks in his email messages to induce further connections and WHOIS domain.

Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism by Richard Stallman

In Whose Domain: Name Service in Adolescence by Don Mitchell (NSF), Scott Bradner (Harvard), and K Claffy (NLANR)

Free Software Foundation as Richard Stallman says: "Free software'' is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of ``free'' as in ``free speech,'' not as in ``free beer.''

"Amazon has obtained a US (5,960,411) on an important and obvious idea for E-commerce: an idea sometimes known as one-click purchasing. The idea is that your command in a web browser to buy a certain item can carry along information about your identity. (It works by sending the server a "cookie", a kind of ID code that your browser received previously from the same server.)"