Non-free audio? (and other distinctions)


But it was thought that Open Source radio would discuss details regarding the choice of the radio program name, more (realize the show has only been on a few weeks!) about non-free, proprietary in terms of audio formats and such rather than just more of the propagation that is the norm of some forms of radio, most if not all NEtWorked adS, as well as some independent media for reasons unknown that have references to non-free audio (in the sense of the format, players, etc. not in the availabilty of download, ability to acquire) without noting: "DAPs often

play many additional file formats" (would also like to see less Wikipedia propriatary propagation, not mention many others including "campus-community radio stations" and the ubiquitous 'Ola messaging, and "just do" a "Search Index of Record" propagation.


G/E thinks that Creative Commons licence description ought to complement the one provided

and by having the CC reference more prominent, nearer to the (sm) service mark.


Why "Free Software" is better than "Open Source"



What about this

"0pen-source name we have given our radio show? Have we earned our stripes inventing open-license applications... Or are we only ripping off a trendy phrase? To both questions the answer is emphatically: no. We are journalists, not programmers."


G/E tries to note the distinctions

between an operating system and a kernel; also not wanting to propagate the reference belwo to "a family of software."


"Everything we do at Open Source will be 'open to inspection, improvement, adoption and reuse,' in Doc Searls‘ neat formulation. We will make all the content of Open Source available under a Creative Commons license for non-commercial use, with the standard proviso that our work is credited and further use is open. (That is my voice on the Creative Commons flash video, Get Creative.) We will stay abreast of the technology for searching and excerpting our audio files and archives.


But all that is, in a sense, mechanics. The spirit of Open Source will be open source — open as to subject matter, open as to views and voices. Our favorite oft-times caller on the original Connection, the famous Amber, once remarked to me: “Chris, you treat your callers like guests and your guests like callers.” We will try to extend the same open manners to the new show, and to the new website that comes with it. We chose Open Source as a name to live up to."


Yes, Christopher Lydon is back on radio ( - he never really left, especially in spirit: The Whole Wide World

with Christopher Lydon; - now points to ROS ).


One might compare the range of topics and guests from his days with The Connection to now (save the few shows that Jack Beatty was "stand-in" host (details added later, some recalled highlights are actually from On Point, but likewise get at the heart of the norms of discussion from The Connection before Chris Lydon "left". Moby Dick, Amartya Sen: Why Everything You've [maybe] Heard About Globalization is..., Friedrich Nietzsche

and a few others were among the most memorable in recent times as opposed to the important but more narrow range of topics as of late.


One of the 'last' programs - aside from being able to experience again as a result of archived audio (preferably that which is not nonfree, proprietary, but that is another topic) remains a fond memory.


Radio Open Source probably won't "leave out' distinctions between open source and free software and both compared to nonfree, proprietary - you know the ones most likely in audio archives of most campus-community radio, 'public [people own the airwaves] radio', various forms of independent media, and of course NEtWorked adS. Nonfree, or possibly "free" as in "no charge", in the sense to download that is which is most often propagated in discussions, or maybe assumed to be without mentioning free software and other that is in the interest of the commons, "common disinterest." When is the last, first time, you saw a "community college" touting something other than this form of software? The appearance of "College Bookshops" owned and operated by some less than independent book sellars is another matter but not here or now.


It will probably be routine to hear mention of the many issues and concerns of the "donor supported" EFF

(Electronic Frontier Foundation), etc. At last to "the last" show mentioned above, with Christopher Lydon at the helm (and everyone it takes to produce such a program), was with guest Richard Lederer, author and host of the radio program: "A Way Words."


Was any consideration given to calling it Radio Free Software? It is certain that he will discuss far beyond the restraints of concision (see, read, hear Bill Moyers - DN! on the "public airwaves"

doubtless this was not noted by the corporate free press: (this event nor the sentiment expressed) Bill Moyer's "closing address at the National Conference on Media Reform in St. Louis, Missouri") and the norms of what is usually left out, not stressed, especially in any historical context.


Christoher Lydon was one of the only radio hosts having a show on the public "airwaves" (audio archives too - and this almost also goes for several relatively, autonomous independent programs who seldom if ever) to mention independent media, or IndyMedia Center.